- Increase Yield
- Improved fruit uniformity and size
- Improved flowering, pollen viability, nut set and nut retention

GrowthStage | Applicaton |
Planting/Young plant Established | Use Fortex™ indrip irrigation at planting at a rate of 16oz/ac, to promote rapid root development. For transplanting, use Fortex™ in dip solution at a rate of 8oz/ac, soaking the roots. |
Development and Vegetative growth | 7 days after transplant, spray plant with Evergreen™(16oz/ac) and Saeta Gold™ (16oz/ac). The next application should be 7 days before bloom set, using Evergreen™ (16oz/ac) and Magnet-B™ (24oz/ac). |
First Flowering and Fruit Initiation | Approximately 14 days after previous application, apply Evergreen™ (16oz/ac) and Magnet-B™ (16oz/ac). |