The purpose of this trial was to compare the effects of plant protein production for the grazing of wildlife, using GrowSeven versus a control group in forage wheat. Plant protein at various concentrations allows for a multitude of bodily functions in whitetail deer. These functions will be listed later in this report.
In this trial, multiple applications of each product group were made. These product groups are: (a) Control application with only lime and granular fertilizer based on soil test recommendations, (b) Single application of NutriMax ACTM. Exclusion cages were placed in all plots to allow for determination of grazing pressure.
In the image you can see a very definite increase in growth of the plant when using NutriMax ACTM in addition to the recommended granular fertilizer rates versus only the recommended soil test recommended granular fertilizer application (Control).
In the table below, the first tissue samples were taken and weighed to calculate grazing pressure on 4 separate plots with various applications. These results are outlined below. All sample data was taken from a 6 inch square and converted to show grazing pressure based on pounds per acre (lb/A) consumed.
As shown above, preference is given to the plot treated with NutriMax ACTM. The whitetail deer consumed 1,061.6 lbs per acre of forage where treated with NutriMax ACTM versus only consuming 46.6 lbs per acre of the control plots.
In whitetail deer, most bodily functions are conducted using crude protein (as well as phosphorus and calcium) derived from the animal’s diet of forages. Listed here is a table from The University of Missouri’s “Nutritional Requirements of White-tailed Deer” publication written by Robert A. Pierce II, Brent Vandeloecht, and Emily Flinn that contains the amounts of protein required for many developmental process in whitetail deer.
Based on these protein levels guidance, this trial was evaluated for crude protein and moisture levels as well as plant health. Tissue analysis was evaluated to determine nutrient availability. These results are listed below.
The table below demonstrates how NutriMax ACTM increases nutrient absorption (in base saturation percentages) of the plant and helps to contribute key nutrients to plant production that may not be available from the soil.
As shown above, the use of NutriMax ACTM in conjunction with soil test recommended applications of granular fertilizer optimizes nutrient availability to the crop. This allows for better food plot improved plant health, production and more nutrients becoming available to whitetail deer during grazing.