Compare the efficiency of our key Organic Protection line Aramite®, Ovex™, and Surf™ to the grower standard of Floramite, Ovation, and Geraniol. The comparison attribute will be based on mite counts and % control.
The Trial was completed in coordination with the R Plants Nursery Wholesale at Nature’s Dream Nursery in Homestead FL (184th St & 182nd Ave). Two foliar applications were performed, 7 days between each application. The treated area was 3,400 ft2 (85ft X 40ft). We conducted a mite count (with observations captured on eggs, nymphs, and adults) before application and one day after application. As control, we will used the Grower Standard Application. Applications were made on July 10th and July 17th, with a KING’s Spray Machine using 180 psi.
The trial had two treatments using the following rates:
Upon conclusion of the trial, we note improved prolonged control using Aramite®, Ovex™, and Surf™. The nursery highlighted the reduced efficacy of their standard program, and decided to move forward with our program in their operation.